What is your worship service like?
Our services are fairly casual. The content of our services can vary but we seek to be biblically centred in all we do, whether preaching, teaching, praying, singing or sharing. We meet on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m.
Do I have to dress up for church?
No, not at all. We're a pretty laid-back and friendly group and we realize that nice clothing doesn't make anyone righteous. Some people like to dress-up while others prefer to dress more casually. We recognize that worship is a heart-issue and not an issue of appearances so feel free to dress however you feel most comfortable. We're always glad to see you!
Am I supposed to give to the offering?
The offering is one way in which we worship God by giving back to God a portion of the income which he has entrusted to us. It's also the primary way that the church's meets all of its financial commitments. If you are visiting and just checking things out, we don't want you to feel obligated to give.
Is your worship service "traditional" or "contemporary"?
It's both! We like old songs and new songs as long as they are singable and glorify God. In both our congregation and our worship leaders, we have diverse musical tastes, so there is a little bit of everything. We don't make a big deal out of style; instead, we focus on substance.
Do you have a nursery for my infants?
We love children at church, even when they're noisy. We think they should grow up being familiar with church but kids are kids. So, we've created a cozy nursery just off of the sanctuary with a change table, crib, toys and comfortable seating for adults. You can follow along with the service without feeling embarrassed by your playful children.
Is your church wheelchair accessible?
Yes. We have an elevator which provides wheelchair access to all levels. We also have a barrier free washroom in the basement.